
So the drink last week was a total disaster. The episode was called “Stormborn” so I was inspired to do a take on a Hurricane.   However I wasn’t feeling particularly inspired and ended up deciding to wing it, which is never a good idea.  I went grocery shopping on the Sunday with the aim…

I only came back for GoT…

I only came back for GoT but I promise I have been imbibing just as much during this dragon-free hiatus.   Most people use their blogs to share their perfected, well practiced recipes, not me! So \i present to you a planned drink that was never to be and the alternative I settled for.  …

Game of Thrones Themed Cocktail #8: The Suffering Bastard

Slight delay, number 9 (the grand finale) will also be up this weekend. Episode 9 was really a no brainer, as it was named The Battle of the Bastards  (almost no spoliers here) it had to be A Suffering Bastard.  The recipe I used was this one but I found it through this blog. It seems…

Game of Thrones Themed Cocktail #6: Blood of My Blood

Alas my creative muse/motivator has been out of town.  Last week I produced a sorry state of affairs themed around episode 6 “Blood of My Blood” and thus corrected it this week, meaning that there is but one drink for episodes 6 & 7.   It’s basically just a negroni with cherry.  Take one involved…

Game of Thrones Themed Cocktail #5: The Iron Islander

Categorically no spoilers here, other than that this week’s drink should have just been a straight bottle of vodka (series 6, episode 5, The Door). Moving on.   The drink this week did not really work out as intended but I am sharing it anyway as if you like sangria this might be one for…

Pumpkin Soup,With Tea…

A short post about tea… I read Tea And Scandal, Canada’s post this week about cooking with tea and was inspired to try this out myself, with wonderful results.   Unfortunately I cannot share the exact recipe as most of my cooking is a make it up as you go along sort of affair, but…

Game of Thrones Themed Cocktail #3: Weissen Walker

Another week brings another tenuous link between GoT and my alcohol consumption. This week our inspiration was driven by food (like pretty much everything in my life). We were having veggie burgers on the barbecue (Quinoa and white bean, they’re delicious!) and felt like beer was the appropriate pairing. I don’t have much experience with beer…

Game of Thrones themed Cocktail #2: The Dornishman’s Wife

The picture is awful, I am not particularly great at mixology but my photography skills and cellphone are pretty diabolical.  There is a cinnamon stick in there but it had the audacity to sink before I took the picture.   So this week I was inspired by the song The Dornishman’s Wife which features in…

Game of Thrones Themed Cocktail #1: A Mule of Ice and Fire

So I’m clearly not the first person to theme drinks around Game of Thrones, there are fairly extensive lists on line, I particularly like this one. However we thought it might be fun to try to mix our own inspired by the books or the show; a nice accompaniment to each episode of the new…